Soccer for children - at what age and what benefits

Soccer for children – at what age and what benefits

The popularity of this game explains the choice of many parents and children when determining the sport. Most often this sport is played by boys at the age of 6 years, but there are also women’s teams, where girls also show excellent results.

In this article, we will consider the impact of soccer on the development of the child, whether this game has contraindications.

What is soccer useful for children

Soccer, like any active sport, is of great benefit to a child’s health. First of all daily exercise in the fresh air greatly enhances the immune system.

According to recent studies, children involved in sports, including soccer are less susceptible to diseases such as SARS, ARI, which indicates a strong immunity.

In addition, experts note the following positive aspects of the lessons of soccer on the health of schoolchildren:

Physical development. Training in soccer helps to strengthen muscles, form correct posture, improve endurance, and increase reaction rate. In addition, training can help prevent excess weight, enrich the blood with oxygen and improve metabolism;

Mental development. Training in soccer has a positive effect on the mental development of children. They learn discipline, can improve their self-esteem, learn to adequately perceive criticism. According to parents and teachers, young soccer players differ in purposefulness, poise and strength of will.

In general, doctors note that playing soccer really has a positive effect on the development of young children. With a properly structured schedule of loads, children show excellent results in learning, they are more adapted to society and do not have difficulties in communicating with their peers.

Moreover, young athletes are more physically enduring and if for some schoolchildren 5-6 classes are difficult, the young players have no problem to sit through all the lessons, and then go to the evening training.

At what age should a child be given to soccer

The first soccer lessons can be organized when the child learns to walk confidently. Of course this is not training in the section, but only a method of accustoming the child to the sport in the family entertainment. In the same team baby can be given no earlier than 5 years. Until this age it’s just too difficult for a child to comply with the rules and clearly listen to the coach.

School soccer clubs are recruited from the first grade. But if a child has not previously been engaged in sports, experts advise to wait with trainings until the age of 8-9 years.

Girls may be given to professional soccer not earlier than 9-10 years. When you enroll in the section, you must have a sports insurance for your child. The policy is necessary for participation in competitions and training in organized groups.

How to choose a soccer ball

To motivate a child to play soccer, experts advise to buy him his first soccer ball. Indeed no boy after such a gift will not resist and run to play with his friends.

Choose a soccer ball should be based on the age of the child. First of all children’s soccer should be qualitative, otherwise it will tear after the first game, which spoils the impression of the gift.

Footballs differ in size and weight. To find out how to choose the size of a soccer ball for a child, use these recommendations:

  • No. 2 – under 4 years old. Ball circumference up to 56 cm, weight up to 280 g;
  • №3 – under 8 years. The ball’s circumference up to 63,5 cm and weight up to 360 gr;
  • № 4 – under 12 years. The circumference of the ball up to 66 cm and weight up to 440 gr;
  • No. 5 – older than 12 years. The circumference up to 70 cm and weight up to 450 gr.

Footballs are also divided by purpose and type of coating. For younger children it is better to choose universal training balls with wear resistance and durability.

Soccer equipment for children

In addition to a ball, a young soccer player will, of course, need special uniforms. Soccer equipment for children includes cleats, sneakers for the gym, trays to protect the shin and ankle braces.

When buying uniforms, you should keep in mind that goalkeeper equipment is quite different from other players’ uniforms. A goalkeeper should be as protected as possible because he falls a lot and takes all the blows.

A young soccer goalkeeper will need:

  • A sweater;
  • Pants or shorts;
  • Goalkeeper gloves.

Sweater, pants can be replaced by a special jumpsuit. All clothing should have special inserts that will protect in a fall.

Soccer for Girls

Today, not only boys, but also girls are involved in soccer. Soccer for girls will bring great health benefits and will bring up a strong unwavering character.

The only downside of this game for girls are bruises, abrasions, broken knees and sprains, which will not adorn a girl in adolescence.

Rules of Soccer

The rules of children’s soccer differ slightly from those of the adult game. The only significant difference is that children are prepared for the adult game gradually and systematically, carefully dosing the load.

Despite the fact that many people think soccer is a dangerous sport, the rules of the game exclude serious injury, because players are strictly prohibited:


  • Pushing players with the body;
  • Take the ball from the goalkeeper;
  • Beat other players.

Thanks to these rules, soccer is rather safe sports for children and has significant benefits for the body.

What are the possible contraindications

Like any sport, soccer has its own contraindications. First of all, the sections do not accept children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and congenital heart disease.


  • Age under 4 years;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Diseases of the joints;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Kidney or liver disease.

If you are planning to give your child in the soccer section, be sure to undergo a medical examination, consult with your local pediatrician. If the doctor will give permission for classes, feel free to buy your child a uniform, choose a section and give your child the joy of sport and healthy lifestyle.